ZERO CONDITIONAL IF + present simple, present simple If I have coffee, I also have a biscuit. ali present simple + IF + present simple I also have a biscuit if I have coffee. ZERO CONDITIONAL PRAVILA Zero conditional uporabim, ko govorim o: NAVADAH: If I wake up early, I don't have breakfast. ZNANSTVENIH RESNICAH: Water becomes steam if you boil it. SPLOŠNIH RESNICAH IN DEJSTVIH: The police fine you if you speed. NAVODILIH IN PRAVILIH: If you are hungry, eat an apple. Primeri: If I fall asleep, wake me up. If you don't study, you don't pass an exam. Plants die if you don't water them. If Mary has lunch, it is a salad. If the weather is fine, I go for a walk. Vaje: Zero conditional 1 ZERO CONDITIONAL