Brezplačno dostopajte, natisnite, rešujte.


Zero conditional

1st conditional

2nd conditional

3rd conditional

Za conditionals velja:
če je izpolnjen pogoj v odvisnem stavku, 
sledi rezultat v glavnem stavku.

Conditionals tvorimo na 2 načina:


If you eat too much, you feel sick. (0)

If I send her a text, Sue will read it. (1st)

If she liked dogs, she would get one. (2nd)

If Ben had lost, he would have cried. (3rd) 



You feel sick If you eat too much. (0)

Sue will read the text If I send her one. (1st)

She would get a dog if she liked them. (2nd)

Ben would have cried if he had lost. (3rd)

If I have coffee, I also have a biscuit.


I also have a biscuit if I have coffee.


Zero conditional uporabim, ko govorim o:

NAVADAH: If I wake up early, I don’t have breakfast.

ZNANSTVENIH RESNICAH: Water becomes steam if you boil it.

SPLOŠNIH RESNICAH IN DEJSTVIH: The police fine you if you speed.

NAVODILIH IN PRAVILIH: If you are hungry, eat an apple.

Zero conditional primeri:

If I fall asleep, wake me up.

If you don't study, you don't pass an exam.

Plants die if you don't water them.

If Mary has lunch, it is a salad.

If the weather is fine, I go for a walk.

If you lend me the money, I will buy a car.


I will buy a car if you lend me the money.


First conditional uporabim, ko menim, da obstaja vsaj 50 % možnosti, da se uresniči odvisni stavek.

Mislim, da obstaja vsaj 50% možnosti, da mi boš posodil denar in (če mi boš denar posodil) bom jaz kupil avto. 

First conditional primeri:

She will scold me if I am late.

If I don't pass the exam, I will be sad.

John won't come if he misses the bus.

If Ben calls, I won't help him.

If the weather is fine, we will go out.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a flat.

If I were you, I would call Jack now.


I would buy a flat if I won the lottery.

I would call Jack now if I were you.


Second conditional uporabim, ko menim, da je zelo malo ali nič možnosti, da se uresniči odvisni stavek.

Mislim, da je le zelo majhna možnost za zadetek na loteriji

(If I won the lottery...) in nobene možnosti ni, da postanem ti (If I were you...).

Second conditional primeri:

If he phoned, I would go out with him.

If I had courage, I would kiss Maya.

Ben wouldn't lie if he was in my shoes.

If I knew her number, I would call her.

She would scold me if she knew.

If I had studied, I would have finished school.

If you had cleaned your room, mum wouldn't have got angry.


I would have finished school if I had studied.

Mum wouldn't have got angry if you had cleaned your room.


Third conditional uporabim, ko se sprašujem, kaj bi bilo, če bi se dejanje v preteklosti zgodilo drugače, kot se je.

Pri third conditional načinu govorimo o hipotetičnih situacijah v preteklosti.

Primer: If I hadn’t eaten the whole cake, I wouldn’t have felt bad.

Sem pojedel vso torto? Da. Sem se počutil slabo? Da.

S third conditional stavkom pravim:

če ne bi pojedel cele torte (vendar jo sem), se ne bi počutil slabo (vendar se, saj sem pojedel celo torto).

Third conditional uporabim ko:

OBŽALUJEM: If I had said sorry, she would have forgiven me.

KRITIZIRAM: If you had studied more, you would have passed the math test.

Third conditional primeri:

If he had called, I would have gone out with him.

If I hadn't been a coward, I would helped her.

Jess wouldn't have done it if she had had a a choice.

If I had known her then, we would have been friends.

She would have been angry if she had known.